Professional of the Year - Education/Band/English/Music

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Della Christine Watson

Title: Teacher
Industry: Education
Type of Organization: School District
Major Product/Service: Education
Expertise: Ms. Watson has over 17 years experience. She teaches band to grades 6-12, English to grades 6-8, and music to grades K-5. Ms. Watson also teach students with dyslexia and is a specialist. She serves as the 504, Dyslexia, and Title III District Coordinator, as well as being a class and UIL sponsor.
Geographic Area of Distribution: Paducah, Texas
Affiliations: Golden Key Society; Association of Texas Professional Educators
University/Degree: B.M., West Texas State University, 1990; M.E., West Texas A&M University, 1994
Born: October 7, 1968, Alabama
Hobbies/Sports: Playing instruments, counted cross-stitch
Children: Conner, Natalee
Work History: Graduate Assistant to Dr. Gary Garner, West Texas State University, (1991-1992); Highland Elementary School, Tulia, Texas, PK-2 Music and Art (1994-1998); Continuing Education Center, WTAMU, Instructor, GRE Review/Verbal, (1995-1998); Del Rio High School, Del Rio, Texas, ESL and English III, NHS Sponsor, Flag Corps Sponsor, Coordinator/Supervisor of lunch detention program, (1998-2000); Petrolia High School, Petrolia, Texas, High School English, Assistant Band Director, Speech, Theatre Arts, One Act Play Sponsor, Prom Sponsor, Diabetic Care Consultant, Campus Improvement Committee Member, Junior Class Sponsor, 504 Coordinator, (2013-2018); Paducah Schools (June 2018-Present)
Honors & Awards: Outstanding Teaching of the Humanities Award, Texas, 2021; Petrolia Most Helpful Teacher Award (chosen by students); Petrolia Pirate Teacher of the Month (nominated by students)
Career Accomplishments: Ms. Watson has been accepted into the doctoral program at West Texas A&M University and is currently working toward her doctorate in Educational Leadership. She is the English Department Chair, Petrolia, Texas.